Forschung in der Abteilung für Südasienstudien
Prof. Dr. Konrad Klaus
- materielle Kultur der vedischen Zeit
- spätvedisches Ritual
- Geschichte der altindischen Literatur, insbesondere Frühgeschichte der indischen Prosa und wissenschaftliche Textgattungen
- Meditationstechniken im frühen Buddhismus
- philologische Erschließung buddhistischer Texte in tibetischer Übersetzung
Prof. Dr. Carmen Brandt
- Sprach- und Schriftpolitik im modernen Südasien
- Bengalische Sprache und Kultur
- Entwicklungs- und Identitätspolitik in Bangladesch
- Ethnische und religiöse Minderheiten in Bangladesch
- Medienlandschaft in Bangladesch und Indien

Die Macht der Buchstaben: Schrift und Identität im modernen Südasien
Obwohl die südasiatischen Länder nicht nur reich an Sprachen, sondern auch Schriften sind, gibt es bis heute nur wenige Studien zu den politischen und soziokulturellen Funktionen von Schrift in Südasien.
Das EU-Indien Freihandelsabkommen in deutschen, französischen, britischen und hindi- sowie englischsprachigen indischen Nachrichtenmedien
Bereits seit 2007 verhandeln die EU und Indien ein Freihandelsabkommen, dessen Abschluss jedoch bislang aufgrund sich gegenseitig ausschließender Interessen und Konflikte ausblieb.

Integration and Demarcation in an Ethnically and Religiously Plural Region: Identity Formation among Young Bengalis in Assam
My doctoral study focuses on the identity formation among young Bengalis in the Barak Valley, a linguistically and religiously heterogeneous region consisting of three administrative districts and a population of around 3.5 million of which the majority are Bengali speakers.
Negotiating Identities beyond Disaster and Resilience among Migrants from the Sundarbans, India
The decision, route and choice to migrate are integral to a labour migrant’s livelihood security. As one migrates, their multiple group identities along with their employment aspirations play a key role in determining social mobility.

A Comparative Analysis of Power and Politics: The Case of Punjabi in Pakistan
Despite being the most widely spoken regional language in Pakistan with a substantive and rich body of literature available in Punjabi language, it is not seen as a high status language by the language users in the country.
All about Sports? The Portrayal of Indian Tennis Player Sania Mirza in South Asian Media
With her outstanding achievements on the tennis court, the Indian tennis player Sania Mirza made headlines worldwide and earned her place in the first rank of the country’s sportspersons. However, she has also often been in the focus of various controversies that came along with extensive media attention.

Migration Patterns of Bangladeshis to Germany: Expectations, Strategies, and Realizations
In contrast to migrants from other countries, Bangladeshis in Germany have not yet been in the focus of research—despite the fact that their number is increasing continuously. While Bangladesh is geographically situated in South Asia, its people have their own unique languages, social, cultural and national heritage and identities.
Text and Subtext: Narrative Techniques in Hindi Dalit Autobiographies
The genre of autobiography occupies a special place in the sphere of Hindi Dalit literature for Dalit autobiographies have been widely praised as authentic documents of Dalit experience and studied for their socio-political significance.

Auf folgender Seite finden Sie eine Übersicht vergangener Forschungsprojekte und Veranstaltungen.