Universität Bonn

Abteilung für Südostasienwissenschaft



© Muntaza

Since 2012, I have actively engaged in agrarian, development, and environmental issues, focusing on Indigenous Peoples and Indigenous Women. My involvement spans from research, advocacy, and capacity development. In 2023, I completed my Master’s in Anthropology at the University of Indonesia, culminating in a thesis titled “State and Dam: The Case of Lambo-Mbay Dam in Nagekeo Regency, East Nusa Tenggara Province. I am currently freelancing as a qualitative research and participatory rural appraisal trainer, conducting literature research on Indonesian history, and facilitator of organizational development. Additionally, I am doing volunteer work at Lou Bawe, Indigenous Women’s organization in East Kalimantan and Kail Foundation, NGO in Bandung, West Java.

• Qualitative research
• Participatory (Social) Mapping
• Participatory Rural Appraisal
• Facilitator for Organizational Development
• English (fluent), Indonesian (mother tongue)

  • Consultant of Economic Transformation/ Green Economy Study in Muara Enim, South Sumatra and Paser, East Kalimantan, Institute of Essential Service System
    Short term in 2023
    In this project, I served as a study companion for researchers at the IESR organization. Despite their expertise in quantitative research and technical science, the necessity to explore the qualitative aspect of the impact of the coal business prompted our collaboration. Throughout this research, we jointly engaged in scoping, data collection and categorization methods, and subsequent data analysis.
  • Consultant of Environmental and Social Analysis Study in Tuban, East Java and Barito Utara, Central Kalimantan, Tifa Foundation
    Short term in 2022
    In this project, I played the role of a study companion for two NGOs in Tuban, East Java and Barito Utara, Central Kalimantan assisting in environmental and social analysis studies. My responsibilities included supporting researchers in crafting research proposals, collecting data through various methods, conducting analysis, and composing
    comprehensive reports.
  • Director of Program and Communication, PEREMPUAN AMAN
    In that role, I was tasked with fundraising, program implementation, and evaluation. Additionally, I spearhead the development of advocacy communication strategies for indigenous women’s issues and actively engage in advocacy work at both national and regional levels. My key accomplishments in this role encompass leading the development of a participatory mapping program with a gender perspective, advocating for the incorporation of indigenous women’s principles and rights in the Indigenous Peoples Bill in Indonesia, also facilitating the engagement of indigenous women from Indonesia in SDG advocacy at both national and regional levels.
  • Researcher, the Center of Indonesian Agrarian Studies, Sajogyo Institute
    In my role as a researcher, my responsibilities encompass literature, field data collection, coding data, and report compilation. My primary focus involves conducting ethnography research on Merauke Integrated Food and Energy Estate (MIFEE) and miniethnography of the Indigenous Peoples of Talang Mamak, Riau Province.
  • Master of Anthropology, University of Indonesia, Depok, Indonesia (2020-2023)
  • Bachelor of Art in Political Science, University of Indonesia, Depok, Indonesia (2002-2008)
  • The Interconnectedness of Indigenous Religion and Indigenous Territory: A Case Study of Talang Mamak, Riau. Jurnal Umbara Vol 7(1), 16-26.2021
  • COVID-19, food insecurity and the resilience of indigenous women in Indonesia - New Mandala⁤
  • Silang-Sengkarut: Perjuangan Tanah Air Orang Talang Mamak, in “Langit Dijunjung, Bumi Dipijak” edited by Saurlin Siagaan, Jogyakarta; Tanah Air Beta and Bogor: Sajogyo Institute.
  • Perampasan Tanah dan Krisis di Tanah Malind, in “MP3EI: Master Plan Percepatan dan Perluasan Krisis SosialEkologis Indonesia, Editors: Noer Fauzi Rachman and Dian Yanuardy, Jogyakarta: Tanah Air Beta and Bogor: Sajogyo Institute.
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