Universität Bonn

Abteilung für Südostasienwissenschaft


Alessandro Gullo

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© Alessandro Gullo

Alessandro Gullo

Alessandro Gullo is an experienced project manager and scientific coordinator with a broad range of expertise in international development cooperation, quality management, and academic research. Currently, Alessandro is a doctoral candidate and research coordinator at the Department of Southeast Asian Studies at the University of Bonn. In the current c/oEnvironments project, Alessandro Gullo's main research focus is conflicted human-nature relations in Indonesia. As a graduate of Development studies Alessandro spent a year at the National University of Medan (Indonesia) as Robert Bosch Lecturer with focus on intercultural communication and German as a foreign language. Since then he has gained different professional experiences as head of department of a social agency and as project-coordinator for different development projects in Malawi and Zambia.

Alessandros LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alessandro-gullo-6a7992147/11

Since 04/2024    University of Bonn, Department of Southeast Asia
PhD student and scientific coordinator

  • Project Management in the c/oEnvrioments project
  • Human-Environmental Relations in Indonesia


12/2022 – 04/2024    NAK-karitativ e.V.
Project Coordination South East Africa (Malawi & Zambia)

  • Content and administrative project management of 8 projects in the fields of education, hygiene and sanitation
  • Coordination with the project partners on site as well as further development of the local employees and the projects
  • Financial and qualitative controlling of project activities


12/2020 – 12/2022    Multikulturelles Forum Lünen e.V.
Head of Department "Work and Qualification"

  • Team Leadership, Applicant Management and Personnel Planning
  • Quality management, optimisation and structuring
  • Project management and project development


06/2020 – 08/2020    Chair of Comparative Development and Cultural Studies, University of Passau
Research Assistant

  • Creation of project proposals
  • Planning and support of events
  • Research work and writing activities for specialist publications


08/2019 – 07/2020    Lectureship Program of the Robert Bosch Stiftung
Lecturer at Medan State University, Indonesia

  • Organization and implementation of an educational project and other events
  • Teaching German as a Foreign Language and Intercultural Communication


03/2018 – 03/2019    Chair of Comparative Development and Cultural Studies, University of Passau
Student Assistant in the FuturEN Project

  • Support for the preparation and implementation of workshops and field research
  • Collaboration on specialist publications


11/2018 – 01/2019    InterCultur gGmbH, Hamburg
Trainee und Teamassistent

  • Project management of intercultural trainings, seminars and student exchanges


03/2017 – 07/2018    Centre for Careers and Skills, University of Passau
Student Assistant

  • Self-responsible event organisation and support

Since 04/2024 PhD student at the Institute of Oriental and Asian Studies, Department of Southeast Asian Studies

  • PhD topic: Human-Environment Relations in Indonesia


10/2016 – 03/2019 Development Studies, M.A., University of Passau, Germany

  • Focus: Southeast Asia, Gender Studies and Sustainable Development


09/2013 – 07/2016 European Studies, B.A., Maastricht University, Netherlands

  • Focus: European Cultures, Identities and International Relations

  • 01/2022 Mining and Masculinity in Indonesia. In: The Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology, 23:2, 185-200. Zusammen mit Großmann K. (DOI:  10.1080/14442213.2021.2019824)
  • 05/2020 Mining and men in Mutiara Hitam – An Empirical Case Study on Mining and the Impact on Masculinities and Gender Relations in Indonesia. Berlin: regiospectra.
  • 02/2019 Strategies for shaping change: Networks for gaining access, enhancing exchange and obtain status. In: Pacific Geographies (51). Zusammen mit Großmann, K., Juliana, P., Mahin, M., Purwanto, S. A. & Septalisa, M. (DOI: 10.23791/511215)
  • 02/2019 The Janus Face of Social Media in Myanmar. In: Southeast Asia Journal of Politics • Culture • Dialogue, (03 / 2017).
  • 07/2018 Central Kalimantan in the Year 2030. (Conflicting) Future Visions of Natural Resource Extraction and Reflections on Participative Research
    Presentation at the Passau Research Colloquium Southeast Asia, University of Passau. Together with Dr. Kristina Großmann. Organized and invited by Prof. Dr. Martina Padmanabhan and Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Korff, University of Passau.
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