Universität Bonn

Abteilung für Südostasienwissenschaft


Ajarani Mangkujati Djandam-Mangoendipoero 

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© Rani Djandam
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Ajarani Mangkujati Djandam-Mangoendipoero

Rani Djandam is a doctoral candidate in Anthropology from University of Indonesia and the awardee of Argelander scholarship from University of Bonn, her main research topic is about reconfiguration of power and indigeneity politic in mining industry in Indonesia. She has more than 15 years of experiences as a social consultant as well as a Social Performance and CSR professional working in various extractive industries (mining) and energy (oil & gas and geothermal) companies in around Indonesia. Her strong formal education background in Anthropology combines with professional working experiences has led her to the key interests in the area of extractive industries and indigenous people, social transformation in industrial society, political ecology, ethnicity and identity issues. She is also voluntarily active as a member of Ethic Board in Indonesia Anthropology Association or Asosiasi Antropologi Indonesia (AAI).

2020 - now     
Freelance Consultant
Provide consultation and advice on good corporate governance, stakeholder engagement strategy and social performance for energy, extractive industry and government.

Professional Expert for Anti-bribery management system in private sector, National Strategy of Corruption Prevention, office based in Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), Jakarta. 

2016 – 2019
Social Performance Manager, PT Nusa Halmahera Minerals, member of Newcrest Mining Limited, Australia. Gold mining site operation in North Halmahera – North Maluku, Indonesia. Conducted comparative study on mining operation and its affected indigenous community issues in Lihir site operation, Papua New Guinea.

2014 – 2015
Sustainability Manager, PT Sorik Marapi Geothermal Power, member of Origin Energy, Australia. Site operation in Mandailing Natal, North Sumatera, Indonesia

Lead Social Consultant, PT Indocomm Plus, Jakarta
Conduct a stakeholder mapping and develop engagement strategy project in Indonesia for Statoil, Norway, area operation in North Maluku, Ambon and Raja Ampat West Papua -Indonesia

2011 – 2012
CSR Superintendent, PT Kemakmuran Pertiwi Tambang, Harita Nickel Mining Division, Harita Group, Indonesia. Mining site operation in North Halmahera, North Maluku  - Indonesia

2010 – 2011
Social Consultant, PT Komunikasi Kinerja (Kiroyan Partners), Indonesia
Provide research base’s stakeholder mapping and engagement strategy, community needs assessment, social impact assessment, and communication strategy to mining (gold and coal mining) and energy (oil and gas) companies in North Sumatera, Kalimantan, and Java area -Indonesia

2007 – 2008
Socio Economic Development Officer, Total E&P Indonesie. Oil and gas company owned by French. Site operation in Delta Mahakam area, East Kalimantan – Indonesia

2021 – now    
Ph.D candidate in Anthropology, University of Indonesia.
   - Research, “Repositioning of Power and Indigeneity Politic Amongst Dayak Elites: A Case Study of PT Kelian Equatorial Mining’s Post Gold Mine Closure in West Kutai, East Kalimantan, Indonesia”

Master of Art (MA) in Anthropology, University of Indonesia.
  - Research, “Reconstruction Process of Dayak Identity Through the Traditional Arts: A Case Study of Dayak Kenyah Uma Lung Teenagers in Setulang Village, Malinau, East Kalimantan, Indonesia”

Bachelor of Art (BA) in Ethno-Photography, Indonesia Institute of the Arts, Yogyakarta
  - Final Task (Photography essay and research paper), “The Meaning of Dayak’s Traditions as the Inspiration of Photography Art Work: Subjects are Dayak groups along Mahakam River, East Kalimantan, Indonesia”

Grantee of Argelander Scholarship from University of Bonn

2004 – 2006   
Grantee of IIEF – Ford Foundation scholarship program to attend Master degree in Anthropology, University of Indonesia

2001 – 2002   
Grantee of Indonesia post-colonial study scholarship program from Ford Foundation in collaboration with Lembaga Studi Realino, Yogyakarta and University of Michigan, USA

The Ancient Tree of Life Philosophy in Central Kalimantan. The Human Heart of Borneo. WWF: Heart of Borneo 

Wadian Perempuan, Mencari Identitas Dayak Maanyan (Masa Kini). Politik dan Poskolonialitas di Indonesia in Budi Susanto, SJ (ed.) Yogyakarta: Lembaga Studi Realino: Kanisius

Senior Lead Auditor, ISO 37001 (Anti Bribery Management System); PECB, Canada

Social Performance Leadership Program; Center for Social Responsibility in Mining, Sustainable Minerals Institute, University of Queensland, Australia

Building Partnerships with Business for Sustainable Development; CSR Asia, Jakarta, Indonesia
ISO 26000 (Social Responsibility); BMD Training, Jakarta, Indonesia

Strategic CSR in Regulation and Practice for Oil and Gas Industry; ICSD, Bali, Indonesia

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