Öffentlicher Vortrag
Veranstalter: Arbeitskreis Labour Geography der DGfG
Donnerstag 10. Februar 16.00-17.00
Zoomlink: https://uni-bonn.zoom.us/j/96900337235?pwd=ZktBQ1hGMGthU2pDSGNsY3JYM3NpUT09
Meeting-ID: 969 0033 7235; Kenncode: 100915
Andrew Herod, Professor für Geographie an der University of Georgia, gilt als Begründer der Labour Geography. Er ist u.a. für sein Buch "Labor Geographies. Workers and the Landscapes of Capitalism" (2001, The Guilford Press) bekannt.
Abstract: In this presentation I outline the origins of labour geography in the Anglophonic world, considering what it says about how workers shape the geography of capitalism and how the geography of capitalism shapes workers. I also consider some of its achievements and some of its lacunae, as well as some issues with regard to translating concepts from Anglophonic geography into other cultural contexts. Finally, I introduce the Handbook of Labour Geography, a new edited collection to be published by Edward Elgar.