Universität Bonn

Abteilung für Sinologie

WANG Peixuan 王沛轩

Wang Peixuan.jpg
© Wang Peixuan


  • Sep 2022 – present: Ph. D. Candidate at Nanjing University, Chinese History
  • Sep 2019 – Jun 2022: Master of Arts at Ningxia University, Chinese History
  • Sep 2014 – Jun 2018: Bachelor of Arts at North China University of Water Resources and Electric Power, Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Language

Research Areas:

  • Maritime History
  • History of Sino-foreign Cultural Exchanges

Academic Experiences:

Research Project Leader

  • Postgraduate Innovation Project, Ningxia University, A Study of Family Education in the Republican China, 2021


  • Intelligence Gathering and South China Sea Perception in East Asia during the Ming and Qing Dynasties, 2023 – present
  • Collation and Research on Stone Inscriptions in the Southern Region During the Yuan Dynasty, 2023 – present


  • 2023 Conference on World Sinology and China Studies "Belt and Road" and World Sinology Development, 1st Prize.
  • 2021 NXU National Scholarship.
  • 2019 NXU Scholarship, 3rd Prize

Title: Mutual acquaintance between China and Spain through the Philippines in the 16th and 17th centuries

This study aims to provide an in-depth exploration of the mutual cultural awareness and interaction between China and Spain through the Philippines in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Specifically, the paper will examine the following four aspects: first, it will explore how the contacts and interactions between China and Spain through the Philippine region in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries shaped their perceptions of each other's cultures and assess their impacts on the social, economic, and political dimensions. Second, it analyses the people involved in writing activities during such interactions and their sources of knowledge, revealing the background of the writers' identities, their social status, and the cultural contexts they represented, as well as the characteristics of the writing of this cultural knowledge, in order to gain a deeper understanding of the motives and purposes of the act of writing. Then, the Boxer Codex is used as an example to explore the cultural interaction between China and Spain in the Philippine region. By analysing the content, language and illustrations of this document, it demonstrates the mode of cultural exchange between China and Spain in the Philippine region. Finally, through the globalization perspective, it will provide an in-depth analysis of the significance of the cultural exchanges between China and Spain through the Philippines in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries to the time period. Based on systematic documentary research and comprehensive analytical methods, this study will make a useful contribution to the field.

  • Peixuan Wang: “Sino-Western Cultural Exchanges in the Late 16th Century Based on the Image of Nezha in the Boxer Codex(从《谟区查抄本》中的哪吒形象看 16 世纪末中西文化交流)”, International Sinology(国际汉学), no. 1, 2024, pp. 103-113+153-154.
  • Peixuan Wang: A Review of the Boxer Codex Study(《谟区查抄本》研究述评. Accepted.
  • Peixuan Wang: The Cross-Sea Flow of Chinese Knowledge at the end of the 16th Century: Information about China in the Boxer Codex(十六世纪末跨海域的中国知识流动 ——《谟区查抄本》中的中国信息. Accepted.
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