PAN Ruiwen, M.A. 潘瑞雯

© PAN Ruiwen
- 10/ 2024 - present: Ph.D. Student in Sinology, University of Bonn, Germany.
- 09/ 2021 - 07/2024: MA in Persian-Iranian Language and Culture, Peking University, China.
- 09/ 2019 – 02/2020: Studied Persian language at Dehkhoda Lexicon Institute of the University of Tehran, Iran.
- 09/ 2017- 07/ 2021: Bachelor of Literature, Major in Persian Language and Literature, Beijing International Study University, China.
- • Medieval history and historiography of the Persianate World, especially the cultural history of Mongol, Iran, Central Asia and China between 13th and 15th century.
- • Medieval Persian manuscripts.
- • Interactions between China, Central Asia and Iran.
- Ruiwen Pan, "The Rise of the Mozaffarid Dynasty and the Nigudarian Bands in the Late Period of the Ilkhanate", in: Newsletter for International China Studies (Guoji Hanxue yanjiu tongxun 国际汉学研究通讯), 12 (2022), pp. 207-223. ( in Chinese)