Universität Bonn

Abteilung für Mongolistik und Tibetstudien



Tsering Samdrup
© © Tsering Samdrup

Tsering Samdrup


Brühler Str. 7

53119 Bonn

•    2018 to present, PhD, Tibetan Studies/Historical Linguistics, SOAS, University of London, UK

•    2016 to 2018, MPhil, East Asian Culture and Language (Tibetan Historiography), Universitetet i Oslo, Norway

•    2010 to 2014, BA, Cultural Anthropology, Trinity College, Duke University, USA

Tibetan Language Lector, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn (Since March 2022)

Tibetan Language Lector, SOAS, University of London (September 2019 to March 2020)

PhD placement, Endangered Archives Programme, The British Library, London (April 2019 to March 2020)

Field Representative, Buddhist Digital Resource Centre (BDRC), Xining (March 2015 to June 2016)

Project Manager, Tibetan Endangered Music Project, Xining (January 2006 to June 2009)

Hiroyuki Suzuki, Tashi Nyima, Tsering Samdrup, and Sonam Wangmo. ‘昌都市内非藏语支语言的数词结构[Numeral construction of non-Tibetic languages spoken in Chamdo Municipality], 南开语言学刊[Nankai Linguistics Journal], forthcoming

Tsering Samdrup. ‘On the Tibetan Original Name of wà-mò.’ Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, under review

Tsering Samdrup. རྒྱའི་ཡིག་ཚངས་སུ་འཁོད་པའི་ལོ་རྒྱུས་མིང་བརྡ “嗢末”ཞེས་པ་བོད་སྐད་ཀྱི་ཐ་སྙད་གང་ལས་བྱུང་བར་དཔྱད་པ། [On the Tibetan original name of historical term wà-mò attested in Chinese Chronicles] མཚོ་སྔོན་མི་རིགས་སློབ་ཆེན་གྱི་རིག་གཞུང་དུས་དེབ། [Journal of Qinghai Minzu University] 4, 156-166, 2021

Tsering Samdrup and Hiroyuki Suzuki. ‘Politeness Strategies, Language Standardization and Language Purism in Amdo Tibetan.’ Edited by Nicola McLelland and Hui Zhao. Language standardisation and Language Variation in Multilingual Contexts: Asian Perspectives, 223-240, 2021. Bristol: Multilingual Matters

鈴木博之, 才譲三周, 四郎翁姆. ‘タヤ・マ(Drag-yab sMar) 語巴俄(mBengo)方言の語彙資料’[Linguistic data on dialects of Drag-yab sMar and mBengo](日英対照)[Japanese-English Contrast]『言語記述論集』[Collection of Language Descriptions]13, 189-213, 2021

Suzuki, Hiroyuki, Sonam Wangmo, and Tsering Samdrup. ‘A Contrastive Approach to the Evidential System in Tibetic Languages: Examining Five Varieties from Khams and Amdo.’ Journal of the Linguistic Society of Japan 159, 69-101, 2021

Suzuki, Hiroyuki, Sonam Wangmo, and Tsering Samdrup. ‘Lamei, another dialect of Lamo (mDzogong, TAR) ——Vocabulary and sentence structure——.’ Grammatical Phenomena of Sino-Tibetan Languages 4, 25-69, 2021

Kabum Gyal and Tsering Samdrup. ‘གསར་དུ་རྙེད་པའི་བཀའ་བློན་ཟུར་ཁང་པའི་རྟོགས་བརྗོད་བུང་བའི་མགྲིན་གླུ་དང་འབྲེལ་བའི་གནད་དོན་འགར་དཔྱད་པ། [On Some Issues from Newly Discovered Biography of Zurkhang Kalön of Ganden Podrang].’མཚོ་སྔོན་མི་རིགས་སློབ་ཆེན་གྱི་རིག་གཞུང་དུས་དེབ། [Journal of Qinghai Minzu University] 1, 1-18, 2020

Tsering Samdrup. ‘The Nine-fold Magical Cord: Investigating 'phrul gyi the gu brgu skor, A Wartime Medical Manual.’ Edited by William A. McGrath. Knowledge and Context in Tibetan Medicine. 199-217, 2019, Leiden: Brill

Tsering Samdrup and Hiroyuki Suzuki. Humilifics in Mabzhi Amdo Tibetan. Linguistics of Tibeto-Burman Area 42:2, 222-259, 2019

Suzuki, Hiroyuki, Tsering Samdrup, Niangwujia, Jixiancairang & Sonam Wangmo. ‘/ɧ/ in Amdo Tibetan: Descriptive and historical approaches.’ Journal of Phonetics 23, 76-82, 2019

Suzuki, Hiroyuki, Tsering Samdrup, and Sonam Wangmo. ‘Contrastive word list of three non-Tibetic languages of Chamdo——Lamo, Larong sMar, and Drag-yab sMar——.’ Kyoto University Linguistic Research 37, 79-104, 2018

Tsering Samdrup and Hiroyuki Suzuki. ‘Evidential system in Mabzhi Tibetan of Amdo.’ Proceedings of the 51st International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics, 2018

Tsering Samdrup and Hiroyuki Suzuki. ‘Migration History and tsowa Divisions as a Supplemental Approach to Dialectology in Amdo Tibetan: A Case Study on Mangra County.’ Studies in Asian Geolinguistics VII—Tone and Accent, 57-65, 2017

才让三周 四郎翁姆 译  Geoffrey Samuel 著.  藏区和东南亚高地——反思藏学研究的知识背景 [Tibet and the Southeast Asian Highlands: Rethinking the Intellectual Context of Tibetan Studies]. <<环喜马拉雅区域研究编译文集二:佐米亚,边疆与跨界>> [Zomia, Borderland, and Trans-borderland: Translation of Scholarship on Trans-Himalayan Area Studies], 181-197, 2017. 北京:学苑出版社

Tsering Samdrup (Tibetan translator), Palgon Thar (Tibetan translator) and Dan Martin (author). An Early Tibetan History of Indian Medicine. Bod sman zhib 'jug dang slob khrid [Tibetan Medical Research and Pedagogics] 4, 100-121, 2016

Timothy Thurston and Tsering Samdrup. An A mdo Tibetan Pastoralist Family’s Lo sar in Stong skor Village. Edited by Charles K. Stuart, Gerald Roche, Tshe dbang rdo rje, Timothy Thurston, and Rin chen rdo rje. Asian Highlands Perspectives Volume 21, 33-69, 2012

Tsering Samdrup. A Temple and its Wealth Under the Tibetan Rule of Hexi Corridor: Revisiting Pelliot Tibétain 997, Københavns Universitet, Demark. (August 13th 2021)

Tsering Samdrup. On the Nomenclature of ’Od-’bar, a Tribal Alliance in the Hexi Corridor After the Tibetan Domination. Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, Germany. (June 1st, 2021)

Tsering Samdrup. Old Tibetan Motion Verbs. Oriental Studies Institute, University of Oxford. (May 23rd, 2019)

Tsering Samdrup. The Male-garuda Dragon (pho khyung 'brug): An Investigation of the Trisyllabic Compound Nouns in Amdo Folk Oratory and Songs. 15th IATS Seminar (7th-13th July 2019, INALCO, Paris, France)

Tsering Samdrup. Local History Writing Amongst Tibetan Pastoralists in Post-Mao China: The Case of Bong stag. Oxford China Humanities Graduate Conference (10th to 11th January 2018, University of Oxford)

Tsering Samdrup and Hiroyuki Suzuki. Humilific Expressions in Amdo Tibetan and Local Intellectuals’ Attitudes Towards Them (11th to 13th December 2017, University of Nottingham, Ningbo, China)

Tsering Samdrup. Magical Cord: A Tibetan Medical Manual from the Wartime. 14th IATS Seminar (19th to 25th June 2016, Universitetet i Bergen, Norway)

Tsering Samdrup. Survivors of the Cultural Revolution: Tibetan Medical Texts from Janglung Monastery in Xilinhot, Inner Mongolia. First Annual Academic Conference of the Specialty Committee of Tibetan Medicine of World Federation of Chinese Medicine (August 8th to 10th 2016, Xining)

Jonathan Kramer and Tsering Samdrup. Images of Ritual Life and Cultural Identity in the Music and Video Productions of Akhu Choedrag, a Monk of Kumbum Monastery. 13th Annual CHIME Conference, Music and Ritual in China and East Asia (October 16th 2008, Bard College, New York)

Tsering Samdrup. Introduction to Tibetan Endangered Music Project. 11th Annual CHIME Conference, Joining Forces: Musical Fieldwork in China (July 16th to 29th 2006, Yulin, Shaanxi)

Tsering Samdrup. Co-curator, Digital Exhibition: The World of Tibetan Book Art, December 1st 2021, University of Bonn

Member of the International Association for Tibetan Studies

Student member of The Philological Society

Assistant Editor, SOAS Journal of Postgraduate Research (December 2021 to present)

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