Universität Bonn

Department of Mongolian and Tibetan Studies

Studying Mongolian and Tibetan Studies    

Welcome! We are glad that you are interested in studying at our department!
Mongolian Studies can be pursued in Bonn in three different ways:
  • Mongolian Studies as part of a dual-subject bachelor’s program
  • Asian Studies (BA major) with a profile in Mongolian Studies and a minor in Mongolian
  • Asian Studies (MA) with focus on Mongolian Studies
Additionally, you can participate as a guest student or cross-registered student (one or more courses/modules).
Hauptseite Studium.jpg
© Javkhlan Munkherdene
Tibetan Studies can be pursued in Bonn in three different ways:
  • Tibetan Studies as part of a dual-subject bachelor’s program
  • Asian Studies (BA major) with a profile in Tibetan Studies and a minor in Tibetan
  • Asian Studies (MA) with focus on Tibetan Studies

Moreover, you can become a doctoral student in both disciplines at the University of Bonn as well as a member of the Bonn International Graduate School – Oriental and Asian Studies (BIGS-OAS). Our programs offer various ways to connect and create opportunities. Please find additional information on our degree programs below. If you have any questions, we are happy to help. For more information, please click on the following buttons: Bachelor, Master or Promotion (Ph.D.).

For information on our previous (now closed) BA and MA degree programs, please follow this link1.

Informationen zum Studium

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