© Bayartuul Batjav
- 10/2017-09/2019 Visiting lecturer, Institute of Oriental and Asian Studies, University of Bonn, Germany
- 10/2008-to current Lecturer, School of Arts and Sciences, National University of Mongolia
- 09/2009-to current Lecturer, School for International Training, World Learning Mongolia
- 01/2015-to current Visiting fellow, College of Asia and the Pacific, ANU, Australia
- 03/2017-06/2017 Visiting lecturer, East Asian Studies, Western Washington University, USA
- 09/2002-04/2004 Secretary, Good Shepherd Parish, Vatican Mission to Mongolia
- 09/2000-06/2001 Lecturer, School of Mongolian Studies, National University of Mongolia
- Übungsbuch Klasissches Mongolisch. Ein Intensivkurs zur Einführung. Bonn & Ulaanbaatar: Udam Soyol (zus. mit Ines Stolpe). Im Druck, 2019
Mongolian Language. B. Bayartuul et al. Ulaanbaatar, 2017
Mongolian Language Proficiency Test. B.Bayartuul at al. Ulaanbaatar, 2015
Mongolian Grammar 2 (texbook for Intermediate Students). First edition. Ulaanbaatar, 2014
Mongolian Grammar 1 (textbook for Beginners). First edition. Ulaanbaatar, 2013
Dictionary of Mongolian Synonyms. B. Bayartuul et al. Ulaanbaatar, 2012
Edited Books
Colloquial Mongolian. K. Okada, J. Bat-Ireedui. Tokyo, 2016
Mongolian Language and Script. T. Dashtseden. Ulaanbaatar, 2014
Trudnosti prjepodovanija frazjeologizmov mongol’skogo jazyka inostrannym učašimsja (Probleme im Fremdsprachenunterricht bezüglich mongolischer Redewendungen). In: Izdatjel’stvo Bur’jatskovo gosuniversiteta: Jazykovyje probljemy pjerjechoda čjerjez kul‘turu, Ulan-Ude, 2017
Chelzüjin aj chemeegč ner tom’joony tuchaijd (Zur Definition grammatischer Kategorien). In: Mongolian and North Asian Studies, Vol. 2/2017
The last letter of Prof. Byambiin Rinchen to Prof. Igor de Rachevilz. In: Journal of Education, Ulaanbaatar, 2016/02
Study environment of foreign students in the NUM. In: Journal of Education, Ulaanbaatar, 2014/05
Research work frame. In: Journal of Education, Ulaanbaatar, 2012/11
Problems on understanding some Mongolian idioms for non-Mongolian speakers. In: Journal of Science, National University of Mongolia, 2012
Teaching Mongolian vocabulary to MSL students. In: Journal of Education, 2011/04,
Teaching Mongolian as a second language. In: Journal of science, NUM, 2003
- The history of Mongolian writing. Western Washington University, 2017,USA
Mongolian idiom presents Mongolian culture. “Scientific-practical conference of Mongolian and Russian youth” International Conference organized by the Mongolian Academy of Science and Siberian branch of the Russian Academy, May 2016, Irkutsk
The last letter of Prof. Byambiin Rinchen to Prof. Igor de Rachevilz “Problems on Linguistics - III” International Conference organized by the Institute of Mongolian Studies, NUM, March, 2015, Ulaanbaatar
Problems on understanding some Mongolian idioms for non-Mongolian speakers. “Problems on Linguistics - I” International Conference organized by the Institute of Mongolian Studies, National University of Mongolia, August 2012, Ulaanbaatar