09.12.2021 | 16:00 Uhr (4:00 pm, CET) | Ulrich Haarmann Memorial Lecture Online (Zoom): Bethany J. Walker (Bonn) / Alan Farahani (Los Angeles)
23. November 2021
09.12.2021 | 16:00 Uhr (4:00 pm, CET) | Ulrich Haarmann Memorial Lecture Online (Zoom): Bethany J. Walker (Bonn) / Alan Farahani (Los Angeles)
09.12.2021 | 16:00 Uhr (4:00 pm, CET) | UHMLO (Zoom): Bethany J. Walker (Bonn) / Alan Farahani (Los Angeles)
Kitchen culture in 13th-century Syria: archaeological and botanical perspectives on dietary choices, garbage disposal, and health
UHMLOnline: Walker/Farahani
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This joint lecture is a historical-science-based investigation of food preparation, health, and hygiene practices in the Syrian countryside. It presents for the first time the surprising results of fresh excavations in Jordan, raising questions about rural kitchen culture, mass migration, and the nature of the Ayyubid-Mamluk transition.
Zoomlink: https://uni-bonn.zoom.us/j/97100556382?pwd=eUxEb240YXdkTFY0QWhPMnE0TVN3Zz09