Art Nouveau’s style and ideology were developed as an answer to the need for a new approach to art and design at the end of the nineteenth century. At the ...
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Public lecture by Dr. des. Sandra J. Schlage: "Travelling Images: Some Observations on Angkor Sculptures and the Cultural Exchange between South- and Southeast ...
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"The Vienna World's Fair of 1873 and the Beginnings of Chinese Art History": Public lecture by Prof. Dr. Lukas Nickel: The World’s Fair in Vienna of 1873 was ...
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Im kommenden Sommersemester veranstaltet die Abteilung für Asiatische und Islamische Kunstgeschichte vom 21. bis 25. Mai 2024 die Exkursion "Asien in London ...
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Public lecture by Prof. Dr. Julia A. B. Hegewald: The Jaina religion originates in East India in about the sixth century BCE. It reached the South Indian State ...
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Public lecture by PD Dr. Isabella Schwaderer: At the beginning of the 20th century, two relatively young arts developed in parallel and cross-fertilised each ...
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