The Iconography of Patañjali. Patañjali was the name of a premodern Indian sage to whom important works on Sanskrit grammar, Yoga philosophy and the medical ...
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Heute eröffnet unsere Studierenden-Ausstellung "Asian Art as Mirror of Dependencies". Es werden Objekte gezeigt, die von Amulettketten, Öllampen und ...
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Zum Abschluss des Semesters bieten wir einen virtuellen Besuch im imperialen Chola-Tempel in Gangaikondacholapuram (Tamil Nadu, Indien) an. Mitarbeiter von ...
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BA-Informationsveranstaltung Montag, den 04.10 um 13 Uhr, MA-Informationsveranstaltung Montag, den 04.10 um 16 Uhr, MA-Einführungsveranstaltung Mittwoch, den ...
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This international conference brings together specialist from different disciplines, focusing on a number of regions of Asia, such as India, Nepal, Tibet, the ...
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The lecture-demonstration traces a first of its kind cross-disciplinary analysis of the theory and practise of Nāṭya. Rajyashree Ramesh draws from what she ...
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Based on the analogy of “snapshots” used in philological studies to explain how the history and development of Buddhist scriptures can be traced across several ...
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