BIGS-OAS Curriculum 2022-2024

BIGS-OAS Curriculum 2022-2024

1. Skills Seminar I: Preparation and Financing of Field Work and Archival Studies in an Asian destination [Philipp Bachtler] - [22.11.2022]                                                                    Preparation and structuring of the research project for efficient and effective implementation within the limited time during the stay abroad.

 2. Methods Seminar I: Surveys and Interview [Ines Stolpe] - [23./24. February 2023]                                                                                                                                                           After an introduction to the topic we will jointly discuss relevant texts and individual inputs. Participants are requested to prepare a draft of a survey and/or an interview in view of their own research. Based on essentials of these methods, will exchange ideas on how to deal with challenges appearing in the context of surveys and interviews.

3. Free Topic I: Exotic souvenirs of the German aristocracy in the 19th century – The China Collection of Count Carl von Görtz in the Hohhaus Museum in Lauterbach [Franca Küffer] - [Seminar 19. January 2023 / Trip to Lauterbach, 21. January 2023]                                                                                                                                                                                 The Hohhaus Museum in Lauterbach, Hessen, is home to the extensive Sinica collection of Count Carl von Görtz, which he acquired in China. The passion for travelling the world and collecting exotica has a long tradition in royal and noble houses. The seminar will deal with the specifics of this particular collection. Dr. Eva Stroeber (Art Historian) will provide a complementary overview of the global significance of Chinese porcelain in early globalization. On the second seminar-day a visit to the Hohhaus Museum is planned, guided tour included.

4. Skills Seminar II: Writing Workshop [Britta Gruber] - [03./04 May 2023]

5. Skills Seminar III: Unterricht/Lehre – Planung, Methoden, Durchführung [Ralph Kauz] - [TBA]

6. Free Topic II: Transdisciplinary scholarship - how to do meaningful research and write it well [Bethany Walker] - [19./20. May 2023]                                                                           This one-day, intensive seminar serves as an introduction to collaborative, interdisciplinary research and research design. In the seminar we will survey several successfully funded collaborative projects, and will do small-group work in collaborative writing.

7. Skills Seminar IV: Reviews and Publications [Katharina Gahbler/Florian Saalfeld] – [07./08. July 2023] - [CANCELLED]                                                                                                   This seminar focuses on how to publish and position your writings in the current research environment. We will discuss different types of publications and their specific characteristics as well as specific examples of print and online publications together and you have the chance to position your own writings projects in the process. Being the briefest form of publications, a special emphasis lies on the correct use and the creation of an individual plan for the production of a review as a possible first own publication. The seminar mixes input presentations with a lot of open discussions of your own projects and also individual tasks to be worked on in groups which makes your active participation mandatory!

8. Skills Seminar V: Writing a Grant Proposal: How to design and communicate your project convincingly [Kristina Großmann] - [29. June 2023]                                                          This workshop focuses on how to develop your idea for a research project into a grant proposal which matches the requirements of a funding programme. You will obtain background information on different funding programmes and learn to design and communicate your research project convincingly. Please bring an idea for a research project or a potential grant proposal. Content: Find funding programmes and learn how to read the documents / Get hints and tips on how to develop a competitive grant proposal.

9. Theory Seminar I: Language matters: conceptual history, hermeneutics of translation, and sociolinguistics [Carmen Brandt] - [23./24. June 2023]                                                    In this seminar, we will focus on terms and concepts that are difficult to translate and transfer across cultural borders. In addition, sociolinguistic phenomena of the different research regions will be addressed.

10. Free Topic III: Chinese Porcelain - A journey through Styles and Periods [Franca Küffer] - [22. September 2023]                                                                                                            In collaboration with the Museum of East Asian Art (MOK) in Cologne this seminar offers the rare opportunity to learn about the history of Chinese Porcelain in a Handling Session. Means: During a visit to the museum, originals selected by the restoration department may be "taken in hand" and examined by the students themselves. Mr. Daniel Suebsman, expert for Asian Porcelain, will guide us through the different periods and styles of Chinese Porcelain.

11. Theory Seminar II: Digital Humanities – An Introduction [Alexander Ermakov] - [TBA]                                                                                                                                                        The workshop will provide insights into the possibilities, methods and working methods of the Digital Humanities.

12. Free Topic IV: A look behind the scenes: A visit to the Lempertz auction house Cologne - Asian Art [Franca Küffer] - [14. March 2024]                                                                    Lempertz became one of the first auction houses in the world to organise specialised sales of Asian Art. Today, the range of Asian artworks includes porcelain and other ceramics as well as painting and decorative arts from China, Japan, Korea, Tibet, Nepal, and South East Asia. The seminar provides a look "behind the scenes" and answers questions such as "What stages does an artwork go through from admission to auction?" and "What are the special aspects of an Asian art auction?"                                                                                   

13. Methods Seminar II: Potentials and Dilemmas of Comparative Research: Categorial Issues, Cross-Cultural and Economic Perspectives [Ines Stolpe] - [POSTPONED] - ONLINE via ZOOM                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                After an introduction to the topic we will jointly discuss relevant texts and individual inputs. Participants are requested to share their questions, so we can exchange ideas on how to deal with challenges when applying comparative methods and perspectives in view of your own research.  

14. Skills Seminar VI: Open-source GIS and spatial analysis: Harnessing QGIS for Survey and Mapping Management [Giacomo Ponticelli] - [13.-14. June 2024]                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      This three-day workshop aims to provide participants with comprehensive training in utilizing QGIS for survey and mapping management. The workshop is structured into three focused days, each targeting essential aspects of QGIS application in mapping, survey and planning contexts.

15. Free Topic V: Asian Studies at the University of Bonn: History and development [Harald Meyer] - [NEW DATE: summer term 2024]                                                                           Asian Studies are partly among the oldest on the European continent. The seminar will give an overview of the most important names and achievements. It is also planned to collect impressions in the city of Bonn around the main building (from the "Old Customs" ["Alter Zoll"] to the Botanical Garden to the Old Cemetery ["Alter Friedhof"], the meeting point will be announced). On the other hand, participants are also expected to briefly report on Asian Studies at their respective alma mater in their home country.

16. Free Topic VI: "In the Garden of Satisfaction" - The spiritual Dynamism of Chinese Paintings [Franca Küffer] - [12. June 2024]                                                                                   Chinese painting has many faces: landscapes, religious and mythological subjects, genre scenes or portraits. The spiritual dynamism of art that is often invoked is undoubtedly a central idea that has shaped Chinese painting for centuries. With this in mind, we visit the exhibition “In the Garden of Satisfaction” from the Chinese Painting Collection at the Museum Angewandte Kunst in Frankfurt.                                                                         

17. Free Topic VII: Employing Visual Sources and Material Culture in Research in the Humanities and Social Sciences [Julia Hegewald] - [07./08. June 2024] - [CANCELLED]                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       This seminar explores different usages and meanings of images, visual sources and material culture in the humanities and social sciences. It addresses not just PhD students working with art, architecture or representations already, but also those who would not normally consult or employ visual material in their research as part of their disciplinary tradition. Why might some subjects be more hesitant to employ visual or artistic material as evidence and what might be good reasons to do so anyway?

18. Individual assistance: Proposal Writing - personal and individual assistance [Kristina Großmann] - [permanent]                                                                                                           One of the biggest challenges during the PhD. phase is often to find finacial support! In light of limited public funding, the securing of sources of financial support – whether classic science-funding organisations, foundations or companies – is an important task, especially in the academic and non-profit sectors. BIGS-OAS is very pleased to be able to provide permanent support to all of you who need personal assistance. Instead of a seminar Prof. Kristina Großmann (Department of Southeast Asian Studies) offers individual help in writing proposals etc. and guides you through the application process. Please contact her directly via email!

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