Teresa Raffelsberger
Teresa Raffelsberger, M. A.
Abteilung für Mongolistik und Tibetstudien
SFB 1167 "Macht und Herrschaft"
E-Mail: teresa.raffelsberger(at)uni-bonn.de
PhD Project
Title: Zentrum oder Peripherie: Herrschaft zwischen gedachter und realer Ordnung in tibetischen Gesellschaften am Beispiel der Namgyal-Dynastie Ladakhs (16.-19. Jh.)
[Centre or periphery: Rule between imaginary and real order in Tibetan societies exemplified through the Namgyal dynasty of Ladakh (16th–19th Century)
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Peter Schwieger
further information: https://www.sfb1167.uni-bonn.de/teilprojekte/tp-schwieger
10/2015 - present: Doctorate Student at the University of Bonn, participant of "Bonn International Graduate Schools - Oriental and Asian Studies (BIGS - OAS)
6/2015 - 9/2015: Study abroad at the Library of Tibetan Works and Archives, Dharamsala, India
10/2012 - 04/2015: Master of Arts "Asienwissenschaften /Tibetologie" at the University Bonn (Asian Studies with focus on Tibetan Studies)
10/2008 - 09/2012: Bachelor of Arts "Asienwissenschaften" at the University of Bonn (Asian Studies)
07/2016 - present: Research fellow at the Collaborate Research Center (SFB1167) "Macht und Herrschaft - Premodern Configurations in a Transcultural Perspective" (DFG) (www.sfb1167.uni-bonn.de)
10/2010 - 03/2015: Student Staff at the Library of the Department for Mongolian and Tibetan Studies, University of Bonn
07/2019 "Of Kings and Merchants. Economic resources to stabilize power in Ladakh during the Namgyal-Dynasty (16th to 19th century)", held at the 15th Seminar of the International Association for Tibetian Studies (IATS), 07 - 13 July 2019, Paris
01/2019 "Der König und die Seinen – Konzepte von Haus und Herrschaft im König-reich von Ladakh (16.-19. Jh.)" held at the Workshop “Haus und Herrschaft (visuell)”, 25 - 26 January 2019, Bonn [The King and His Own – Concepts of House and Domin-ion in the Kingdom of Ladakh (16th – 19th century)]
05/2017 "Royal rules for the ordained ones: The monastic guidelines (bca'yig) by Nyima Namgyal" held at the 18th Colloquium of the International Association for Ladakh Studies (IALS), 2 - 6 May 2017, Bedlewo
11/2016 "The Representation of the Ladakhi Kings of the Namgyal Dynasty in written sources from 16th to 19th century", held at the Workshop "Emblems and Representations of Social Status in Tibetan Societies", 24 - 25 November 2016, Paris
11/2016 "Zentrum oder Peripherie - Herrschaft zwischen gedachter und realer Ordnung im Königreich von Ladakh (16. - 19. Jh.)", held at the Workshop of Medievalist in NRW,18 November 2016, Bonn
10/2015 "Wie ein Insekt, das mal sticht und dann wieder Ruhe gibt - Die Darstellung der chinesischen Invasion 1950 nach Osttibet in tibetischen Erinnerungstexten, held at the Meeting of the German Tibetan Cultural Society, 31 October 2015, Bonn