Conference Trips and Research Stays
Application guideline for grants
BIGS-OAS is able to support international conference trips and research stays abroad.
Due to budget reasons BIGS-OAS won’t be able to consider each application which is why grants will be awarded after a competitive selection process.
For each PhD project, one conference trip and one research trip per student can be funded!
For further details see below:
What do we fund, grant value
BIGS-OAS can fund your participation at international conferences and workshops, only if you are presenting a paper or a poster. The grant will cover your travel expenses (e.g. flights Germany – destination – Germany; train) as well as your accommodation for two days. The grant is based on fixed rates for travel allowances and per diem (i.e. allowances for accommodation etc./Tagespauschale) according to the DAAD guidelines. (see tables here121)
Conference in France
Travel allowance: 125 Euro
2 x per diem: 2x 117 Euro (for Paris) or 2 x 75 Euro (for the rest of the country)
Conference in the USA
Travel allowance: 700 Euro (USA East) or 1.250 Euro (USA West)
2 x per diem: 2x 125 Euro (Boston, New York, Washington) or 2x 91 Euro (for the rest of the country)
Conference in Egypt:
Travel allowance: 500 Euro
2 x per diem: 2 x 93 Euro
Conference in Japan:
Travel allowance: 900 Euro
2 x per diem: 2 x 126 Euro
The rates are fixed which means that even if your transportation costs are below the determined rate you will receive the full amount:
Example: you buy a ticket to Japan for 700 Euro, you will still receive the full rate of 900 Euro.
The same applies to the per diem allowances.
Selection criteria
- Importance of the conference for your own research
- Your scientific achievements
- Financial need
Application papers
For your application you need to submit a personal statement (no more than two pages) on:
- Your research topic
- Location, date and organizers of the conference (including link to website)
- Topic and importance of the conference for your own research
- Topic of your presentation (abstract and title) and its potential asset for the conference
In case of approval of your application, you will be asked to attest the acceptance of your paper/poster at the conference before the grant is awarded. If you already received the acceptance letter for your paper, please add it to your application.
Selection process
The selection committee consists of the board of BIGS-OAS. You will be informed within four weeks after the deadline about the approval or rejection of your application.
Postprocessing procedure
After returning from your conference you are required to submit a short report (one page) about your trip as well as a certificate of participation within one month.
The report should include the following:
- Name of conference, title of presentation, poster etc.
- Quality of the conference and benefit of attending for your own research
- Would you recommend this conference to your fellows and why?
- Further remarks
What do we fund, grant value
We can fund research stays abroad (e.g. archive visit, field research) that take at least 14 days. The grant will cover your travel expenses (e.g. flights Germany – destination – Germany; train), as well as a daily allowance for max. 15 days. The grant is based on fixed rates for travel expenses and per diem (i.e. allowances for accommodation etc./Tagespauschale) according to the DAAD guidelines. (see tables here131)
Archive visit in London
Travel allowance: 125 Euro
15 x per diem: 15 x 79 Euro
Research trip to Tunisia
Travel allowance: 500 Euro
15 x per diem: 15 x 41
Field study in Indonesia
Travel allowance: 750 Euro
15 x per diem: 15 x 54 Euro
Research trip to South Korea
Travel allowance: 875 Euro
15 x per diem: 15 x 90 Euro
The rates are fixed which means that even if your transportation costs are below the determined rate you will receive the full amount:
Example: you buy a ticket to London for 90 Euro, you will still receive the full rate of 125 Euro.
The same applies to the per diem allowances.
Selection criteria
- Importance of the trip for your own research
- Your scientific achievements
- Financial need
Application papers
For your application you need to submit a personal statement (no more than four pages) on:
- Your research topic
- The purpose of your research stay and its importance for your project
- If existing, your institutional affiliation during your research stay (e.g. hosting university, affiliation to an NGO etc.)
- A short statement from your supervisor on the necessity of the intended research trip for your PhD project
selection process
The selection committee consists of the board of BIGS-OAS. You will be informed within four weeks after the deadline about the approval or rejection of your application.
Postprocessing procedure
After returning from your trip you are required to submit a short report (two pages) about your stay within one month.
The report should include information on your work abroad and its results for your project.
Please note the following rules and regulations as well
- The financial support cannot be granted if you have other funding for this specific purpose.
- In case you cannot commit to your trip, BIGS-OAS will withdraw from its pledge of support. You therefore might want to cover travel cancellation insurance.
- BIGS-OAS cannot consider incomplete applications.
- In case of rejection you are free to apply again.
For any further information please contact the BIGS-OAS coordinator via e-mail (