Abteilung für Asiatische und Islamische Kunstgeschichte
The Jaina Heritage : Distinction, Decline and Resilience
ISBN: 978-8187374671
Julia A. B. Hegewald (ed.)
Book Summary
Jaina studies are expanding and increasingly gaining in international recognition. Counterbalancing an earlier bias towards research on the Shvetambara community and on north-western India, there are a number of recent surveys on the Digambaras in the South. These studies, however, have generally neglected the modern State of Karnataka. This historically and culturally significant region, in which Jainism has played a major role, forms the focus of the present volume. Despite its emphasis on Digambara Jainism and on Karnataka, the book includes many references to other religious groups striving for supremacy in the region, and to neighbouring States in the wider area of South India.
In addition to the novel emphases in terms of religious and regional approach, this collection of thirteen research papers revolves around the question of what is heritage and who defines it. The scholarly contributions combine the latest findings from the three main disciplines of history, art and architecture, and religious studies—with ample citations from literature, epigraphy, archaeology and anthropology. In their entirety they widen our understanding of the concept of heritage and approach hitherto neglected areas of research. Particularly important are the contributions providing fresh evidence on political history, and the rise and subsequent relative decline of the Jaina community in the South. Equally significant are the investigations into neglected and so-far unknown areas of architectural history, combined with the provision of revised interpretations of known sites. The scholarly contributions from religious studies emphasise the distinction and resilience of the Digambara Jainas and outline religious change over a period stretching from the early centuries BCE to the present day.
By introducing new areas of enquiry, identifying important signifiers of heritage, reinterpreting earlier findings, drawing on modern South Asian studies, and combining research findings from across a number of academic fields in an interdisciplinary manner, this collection of specialist papers reveals new ways of seeing and understanding the splendour and complexities of the Jaina heritage. In doing so, it opens up a number of new questions concerning the construction and preservation of the heritages of other groups and regions of South Asia and the wider world as well.
Jaina Heritage - book description & table of contents [PDF 90 KB]
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Regina Höfer
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Der Katalog zur gleichnamigen Ausstellung im Wiener Museum für Völkerkunde präsentiert erstmals über 80 historische Fotografien, diverse Archivmaterialien sowie Miniaturen auf Elfenbein und Papier aus der enormen „Souvenirsammlung“ des Erzherzogs.
Kostenfreier Download (Online- und Print-Version): http://imperial-sightseeing.univie.ac.at
Ang Choulean, Olivier Cunin, Claude Jacques, und T. S. Maxwell
Bayon. New Perspectives. (ed.: Joyce Clark)
Bangkok: River Books, 2007.
ISBN: 978-974-9863-47-3
Nach einer Vorbereitungszeit von sechs Jahren erscheint der Band „Bayon - New perspectives“ im Juli 2007. Der Bayon zählt zu den bekanntesten und zugleich am wenigsten verstandenen Bauten der alten Khmer. Mit seiner eindrucksvollen Architektur und vor allem den rätselhaften Gesichtertürmen ist er eines der Sinnbilder der alt-kambodschanischen Baukunst geworden. In diesem Sammelband versuchen namhafte Wissenschaftler, sich dem Bauwerk Bayon und seiner Bedeutung von verschiedenen Standpunkten anzunähern und so neue Ansätze für das Verständnis dieser monumentalen Architektur aufzuzeigen.
Aus dem Umschlagtext:
„It is more than 30 years since the story was last told of the Bayon, the enigmatic state temple of Jayavarman VII, the greatest king of ancient Angkor. Recently, researchers from several diciplines have again been probing the mysteries of this extraordinary monument and ist giant face towers. [...] Bayon. New perspectives brings together for the first time leading scholars whose findings and insights challenge, not always in consensus, many of the earlier interpretations of the Bayon’s art, architecture and inscriptions. ....“
Aus dem Inhaltsverzeichnis:
Claude Jaques: The historical development of Khmer culture from the death of Sūryavarman II to the 16th century. (28-49) Ann-Valérie Schweyer: The confrontation of the Khmers and Chams in the Bayon period. (50-71)
T.S. Maxwell: Religion at the time of Jayavarman VII. (72-121)
ders.: The short inscriptions of the Bayon and contemporary temples. (122-135)
Olivier Cunin: The Bayon: an archaeological and architectural study. (136-229)
Peter D. Sharrock:The mystery of the face towers.
Ang Choulean: In the beginning was the Bayon.
Jaroslav Poncar und Thomas S. Maxwell
Of Gods, Kings and Men. The reliefs of Angkor Wat
Mannheim: Edition Panorama, 2007
ISBN-13: 978-3-89823-287-6 (Edition Panorama) 38 €
Seit Februar 2007 ist das Buch „Of Gods, Kings and Men. The reliefs of Angkor Wat“ im Buchhandel erhältlich. Der Band enthält zahlreiche Photos der Flachreliefs der dritten Umfassungsmauer des Khmer-Tempels von Angkor Wat. Die Aufnahmen von Jaroslav Poncar zeigen den Detailreichtum dieser einzigartigen Reliefs in beeindruckender Weise. Der Text von Thomas S. Maxwell erläutert den Inhalt der Reliefs und bietet erstmalig Anhaltspunkte zum Verständnis des gesamten Bildprogramms dieser Umfassung. Ausgehend von den Reliefs erhält der Leser Einblick in die Vorstellungswelt des Auftraggebers, des Khmer-Herrschers Jayavarman VII., und seiner Zeit. Historische Ereignisse und religiöse Konzepte werden in Bezug zu Angkor Wat und den Reliefs gesetzt und tragen so zu einem tieferen Verständnis dieser Kunst bei.